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Fighting Food Waste in Hotels

Video Training Series

Empower Your Team

Along with hospitality learning platform Lobster Ink, we developed a series of five training videos to help staff embark on a food waste management journey. Access the course through the Lobster Ink platform to track staff progress and acquire your copy of the course manual and training facilitation guide.

Introducing Food Waste Management

This short video introduces the scope of the food waste problem and its environmental context. It outlines the full series and emphasizes the focus on preventing food waste.

→ Watch now in English             → Watch now in Spanish


The Food Waste Management Task Force

The second video explores the roles of each Food Waste Management Task Force member and the benefits they provide as the program is developed and carried out.

→ Watch now in English             → Watch now in Spanish


Understanding Measurement

Why do you need to measure and track waste? This video goes over data collection in setting goals to prevent food waste. It explains the areas in a hotel that create food waste and ways to capture and track this waste through a two-stream separation scheme or technology-enabled tracking.

→ Watch now in English             → Watch now in Spanish


Best Practices Pre-Service

This video explains how to plan low waste menus that make the most of every ingredient and offers recommendations to prevent waste during event sales, menu development, purchasing, storage, and food preparation stages.

→ Watch now in English             → Watch now in Spanish


Best Practices Post-Service

Presents options to manage recover underutilized food through donation and diversion.

→ Watch now in English             → Watch now in Spanish